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[DONE]Registration Form

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[DONE]Registration Form Empty [DONE]Registration Form

Post by Espionage Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:46 am

In-Game name: Espionage1911
Age: 14
Why you want to join: My friends disbanded the server and many servers I join are either abusing mod powers, blowing people up with TNT, or a building only server rather than a city type server.

How did you find WowCraftSMP: Just browsing search results of a minecraft smp server search.

A little bit about yourself: I am going to be a freshman in High School this September. Despite being only 14, I really don't do things many teenagers my age do, rage on the mic/chat and swear thinking it's cool being two of them. I love myself some Fallout New Vegas and won't be as active on Minecraft during the weekdays as I'm studying to get into a good university.

As you can tell from my avatar, I LOVE Team Fortress 2 and a good spy at it as well. By the way, 1911 was an idea from Youtube where there was a 1911 thing a few months back in March or something.

As a Minecraft player, I like building houses and simple contraptions that do elaborate things. Really, I'm not a savvy Redstone person...heck I don't even know what the science is behind an "and" gate and how to implement it. But I can do a bunch of stuff with Lever to contraption redstone wiring, including a very effective trap door to whomever dare steal my diamonds. As a house builder, I'm decent, nothing special.

Do you know what PvP means?: Stands for Player v player. Meaning I can stab another player to death if he touches my diamonds without permission.

Secret answer: REMOVED (By Aag80 wow if you're reading this he/she/it got it right)

Last edited by wow135 on Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:42 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : None may see the secret answer on the application section!!!!!)

Posts : 3
Join date : 2011-08-25

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[DONE]Registration Form Empty Re: [DONE]Registration Form

Post by Aag80 Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:57 am

You can also stab, blowup, rape, burn, freeze, drown, grind, mash, smash, bake a cake, cake a fake, fake a cake, suffocate, deliberate, metal plate on my slate. Alright so the last 2 were just complete nonsense but those are also ways to kill people not only stab to death if they touch your diamonds.

BTW I am removing your secret answer so none may see.

Posts : 89
Join date : 2011-01-30
Age : 30

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[DONE]Registration Form Empty Re: [DONE]Registration Form

Post by wow135 Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:42 am

Hey I love tf2 too! Accepted, welcome to WowCraft!
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Age : 27
Location : Far up north...

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[DONE]Registration Form Empty Re: [DONE]Registration Form

Post by BrotherArcadius Fri Aug 26, 2011 12:26 pm

TF2 is boss, Tank FTW. Oh and Jonix is the master of redstone and loves teaching people how to design things using it.
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[DONE]Registration Form Empty Re: [DONE]Registration Form

Post by Dot145 Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:26 pm

Aag80 wrote:You can also stab, blowup, rape, burn, freeze, drown, grind, mash, smash, bake a cake, cake a fake, fake a cake, suffocate, deliberate, metal plate on my slate. Alright so the last 2 were just complete nonsense but those are also ways to kill people not only stab to death if they touch your diamonds.

BTW I am removing your secret answer so none may see.
You forgot "pillage"!
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Location : On my chair. It swivels.

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[DONE]Registration Form Empty Re: [DONE]Registration Form

Post by SlayerSl123 Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:28 pm

Dot145 wrote:
Aag80 wrote:You can also stab, blowup, rape, burn, freeze, drown, grind, mash, smash, bake a cake, cake a fake, fake a cake, suffocate, deliberate, metal plate on my slate. Alright so the last 2 were just complete nonsense but those are also ways to kill people not only stab to death if they touch your diamonds.

BTW I am removing your secret answer so none may see.
You forgot "pillage"!

And pillow

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[DONE]Registration Form Empty Re: [DONE]Registration Form

Post by Dot145 Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:32 pm

SlayerSl123 wrote:
Dot145 wrote:
Aag80 wrote:You can also stab, blowup, rape, burn, freeze, drown, grind, mash, smash, bake a cake, cake a fake, fake a cake, suffocate, deliberate, metal plate on my slate. Alright so the last 2 were just complete nonsense but those are also ways to kill people not only stab to death if they touch your diamonds.

BTW I am removing your secret answer so none may see.
You forgot "pillage"!

And pillow
And cut that little flap of skin in between your nostrils
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Posts : 403
Join date : 2011-04-10
Age : 27
Location : On my chair. It swivels.

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[DONE]Registration Form Empty Re: [DONE]Registration Form

Post by SlayerSl123 Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:44 pm

Dot145 wrote:
SlayerSl123 wrote:
Dot145 wrote:
Aag80 wrote:You can also stab, blowup, rape, burn, freeze, drown, grind, mash, smash, bake a cake, cake a fake, fake a cake, suffocate, deliberate, metal plate on my slate. Alright so the last 2 were just complete nonsense but those are also ways to kill people not only stab to death if they touch your diamonds.

BTW I am removing your secret answer so none may see.
You forgot "pillage"!

And pillow
And cut that little flap of skin in between your nostrils

And shave the bowls of yourself to disqust women players on tf2

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Join date : 2011-02-13
Age : 27
Location : Notch

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[DONE]Registration Form Empty Re: [DONE]Registration Form

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