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Mah Application

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Mah Application Empty Mah Application

Post by Cunningman45 Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:54 am

Have you read all the rules and agree to them: Yes
In-Game name: Seekerofshadows
Why you want to join: I have heard good things about this server ive seen the videos and i think this is the server for me
How did you find WowCraftSMP: Recomendations from videos on youtube Smile
A little bit about yourself: I have had time to think about my self i used to be a griefer spammer and stuff but i have thought about it now whenever i would see a destroyed thing i would restore it
Do you know what PvP means?: Player Vs Player
Secret answer: Pudding Cups


Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-09-12

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