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Ganjabass application

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Ganjabass application Empty Ganjabass application

Post by fysko Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:22 pm

Have you read all the rules and agree to them: Yes!
In-Game name: Ganjabass
Age: 15
Why you want to join: I want to join this community because i want to try WoW in minecraft. Its funny because i play regular WoW about 4 months. My friend is playing here, and he said that this server is uber awesome! I bought minecraft today, just to play in this server.. We were playing in crapy non stable PvP servers, but it was cool too. But i want more, i want to play in very good PvP server like this one.
How did you find WowCraftSMP: I was playing in private server, and my friend called me in "skype" and told me that he found uber awesome PvP server, but it was Premium only. I went to his house ( He is my neighbor), and he showed me this server! I was like Shocked .. The next day ( Today 2012.01.14 ) I bought minecraft just to play here.
A little bit about yourself: I'm 15 years old. I live in Lithuania ( it is in East Europe ), english is not my first language, so i do a lot of grammar mistakes. I have been playing minecraft since Alpha.
Do you know what PvP means?: Player versus Player.
Secret answer: Smoke me!


Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-01-14

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Ganjabass application Empty Re: Ganjabass application

Post by UnitedMaddog Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:49 pm

the server is not up any more dont even try to apply. Sorry


Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-08-16

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