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rawr123456's Application

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rawr123456's Application Empty rawr123456's Application

Post by rawr123456 Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:05 pm

Have you read all the rules and agree to them:Yes
In-Game name:rawr123456
Why you want to join:I want to join because my current server ( D A R K R I S E minecraft ) barely has any people on it and it gets quite boring going on a server by yourself.
How did you find WowCraftSMP: I found this site through a simple google search of: "WoW Minecraft".
A little bit about yourself:My name is Conor Patrick Sebastian Bourke. I live in Ireland. I like fluffy things. I dont like fluffy things that aren't fluffy. I hack things but not minecraft. I watch the Yogscast and I watch the Creatures. Thats about my life.
Do you know what PvP means?: Yes PvP means Player versus Player as in Players fight eachother and you must be able to protect yourself once you leave the spawn.
Secret answer: Im so """" HAPPY """" .


Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-02-11

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