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[DONE]Gamesmind's App

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[DONE]Gamesmind's App Empty [DONE]Gamesmind's App

Post by atomicsneakers Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:01 am

In-Game name: Gamesmind
Why you want to join: I've been bouncing around SMP servers for a while and very few have caught my fancy long enough for me to stay. Medieval RP seems to be a recurring theme among servers that I've liked so I believe that's the main factor I'm looking for in a minecraft server, and this server, of course, fills that requirement.
Age: 19
Secret answer: REMOVED
What do you rate your English (1-10): One being someone who doesn't know the language and ten being an English PhD, I'd say an 8. Far above average yet at the same time not quite perfect. Although I speak English rather well, je parle francais aussi. Smile
What do you rate your building skilll (1-10): 6. Slightly above average but on the whole I prefer to collect materials for other people and assist in architecture, not the actual art of building.
(Optional)Picture of my best build: Most of the things I've built I have long since abandoned on other servers.
What does IC and OOC mean: In character and out of character, respectively.
What does SMP mean: Survival multiplayer.
How did you find WowCraftSMP: Googling "medieval minecraft server".
Have you read all the rules and agree to them: Yep.

Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-07-14

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[DONE]Gamesmind's App Empty Re: [DONE]Gamesmind's App

Post by wow135 Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:25 am

Accepted, welcome to WowCraft!
Server Owner

Posts : 512
Join date : 2011-01-08
Age : 27
Location : Far up north...

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